above & beyond other home service companies
Long Island’s First & Only Roofing Job Bid Service
Best prices on roofing - guaranteed.
We are Long Island’s first and only Roofing Bid service website. We offer the best price on roofing, guaranteed! Long Island Roof Bid will provide three roofing service companies estimates in our network to bid on your roof job! These Roofers are pre-screened, licensed, and insured. We hold them accountable to quality work. If a roof leaks after a job is complete, LI Roof Bid will step in to facilitate a course of action or repair. Only the top roofers on Long Island are part of our service. Each roofer in our network has to pass a series of tests, and must be certified by the roofing manufacturer. A warranty is finally a real warranty. LI Roof Bid will go beyond what competitors such as Angie’s List and Home Advisor do. We are local. We are trade specific. We offer satellite roof measurements to any homeowner interested in knowing their roof measurements. We also facilitate purchasing, and a better understanding of roofing materials. Call LI Roof Bid today. We are here to create a better roofing service experience for Long Island.

Free ROOFING PROJECT estimates
Licensed, insured, trusted and respected Roofing Service Companies in our network will bid on your roof project at no charge to you. It is their job to earn your business and get you the best roof, with the best service, at the best price. Guaranteed.
Li Roof Bid Proudly Servicing Long Island, NY
What we offer
Roofing Service Companies In Our Network Will Bid On Your Roof At No Charge To You. It Is Their Job To Earn Your Business And Get You The Best Roof, With The Best Service, At The Best Price. Guaranteed.
3 Competitive bids
The purpose of a bid is to maintain the best possible pricing for you! Three Roofing Service Companies will bid on your job with the understanding they are competing for your business.
Quality ROOF work
This is where LI Roof Bid separates itself. LI Roof Bid holds all roofing companies in its network accountable. LI Roof Bid will step in to facilitate resolutions or repairs to ensure customer satisfaction.
Inquire Today for Your free roof estimate
LI roof bid ensures highest quality service

Roof troubles? No Problem!
Li roof bid has got you covered.
Supply us with your information through our website to get a 3 FREE estimates